Thursday, February 22, 2007

Caught in a Lie

Oh, okay, maybe it wasn't a lie, but it was definitely quite an imagination.

Last week, my girls found their way into the home of our new retired neighbors. They were sitting at their kitchen table eating soup and kneeling over the table stealing the avacados and cherry tomatoes out of the couple's salads when I entered through the back door looking for them. (We talked about manners later.)

Since this was our FIRST meeting (no, I hadn't met them before my children sat at the table), I introduced myself as the mother to the children eating at their table. This conversation followed:

Her: You look so young to have three children.

Me: Oh, I just have these two.

Her: What about your son?

Me: Oh, I don't have a son, just the two girls.

Her: Your son Justin? Amelia's twin?

Me: HUH?

Her: The one that is home sick in bed? The one that was sitting next to his friend at school who was really sick so he caught it and is now sick in bed? You know, Amelia's five-year-old twin?

Me: Um, it looks like Amelia was using her imagination. I'm sorry, um, I just have the two girls.

Meanwhile, Amelia looked a little embarrassed but then continued eating the avacado out of the neighbor's salad.

So, that's the story of my perfectly mannered, masters in stranger-danger, always-telling-the-truth children. I'm so proud. I'm for sure winning mother of the year now.


Anonymous said...

Do you remember Amelia's little sister named Sarah? What a cute story to share. I'm sure your new neighbors are going to enjoy A & M.

Anonymous said...

Haaaaa haaaaa!!! I almost cried when mom told me that story. Amelia has a BIG imagination.

We still use the little-sister-named-Sarah line all of the time.

MiandMiksmom said...

I don't even remember the Sarah sad is that? I guess that's why I have to write it all down. I totally forget!

WX Ences said...

I think I would die! That is hillarious!!
Kids do the darndest things. They never cease to amaze me.

Good luck with that!


Anonymous said...

Remember Chaun?? When Amelia didn't want Kayla, but she wanted a little sister named Sarah???

Jessi said...

I needed a laugh. That just made my night!

Anonymous said...

I have a fishin' buddy named "Boyd"....does that count?

BTW, Chaun, I think Sarah still lives here!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh - how embarrassing! Too funny. Quite the imagination