Saturday, June 09, 2007

Saturday Morning

I love Saturdays when everyone sleeps in, and I get time to myself. The house is a disaster from an unplanned neighbor bash last night. I need to wrap a birthday gift for a party at 11:30. I need to shower. I need to start yard work. However, I've just been sitting here at the computer reading random people's blogs. Is it weird to read blogs of people that you don't know? I mean, I have a hard enough time keeping up with friends' blogs, but it's really interesting to read strangers' blogs. Then it makes me wonder who the heck reads mine. It is very easy to find my blog because of my unusual name, so anyone could stumble across it. I wish there was a way to keep track of people that stop by. Anyway, I digress, I've never taken the time to read strangers' blogs, but it was fun and I can see how it could become addicting.

I love summer. It is so nice to look at my planner each day and see NOTHING on my "Things to do" list. Yesterday we woke up and I had the whole day ahead of me. The house was clean, we had no plans and I just let the girls choose wherever they wanted to go (children's museum). Anyway, I was too busy during the school year and this has been a nice break.

I need a friend to come along and offer to take my kids for a little while Monday so I can get everything ready for Utah. It is very hard to pack when they are tearing things apart. I also need to make dinner for a neighbor who had a baby a month ago and even though it's the night before I leave, I can't let more time go by or the baby will be one by the time I get over there.

I hate weeding, but I love mowing, edging and using the leaf blower. I have a friend who thinks that weeding is therapeutic (spelling?). She pulls out the weeds and feels cleansed. I just feel dirty...and they just grow back.

Yesterday there was something that happened that was a little weird....when we were leaving the Children's Museum we noticed a bird had done his business all over the side of the car (I mean, it was a lot of business). What was really not that big of a deal (after all, it's a '98 Subaru that doesn't impress too many people anyway) kind of turned into one. I just told the girls that we would go to a car wash after lunch. Amelia was horrified. She didn't even want to go to lunch OR stop at Old Navy (to return her shorts and get NEW ONES). She was so worried about the poop on the car. She was worried that people would see the poop. She was worried that people would laugh at the poop. I mean seriously, I was incredulous. Who cares about poop on your car? We would get it off eventually. Well, Amelia cared. Dave thought it was funny. She does kind of have a clean thing in her little brain, but I was more worried that she was so concerned with what people thought. Is this a nature or nurture thing? I swear I don't worry too much about what people think of me (just look at my car) but now I'm worried that I've done something to make her be so concerned about what other people think.

By the way, I am raising good girls and it makes me proud. They take such good care of each other. Amelia is always helping Mikayla. They teach each other and play and entertain each other every minute of every day. I watch how they interact and listen to what they say to each other when they don't know that I'm listening, and they are so cute....most of the time, just not when I'm on the phone :)

This post turned into a journal it's 10:00 and I am JUST hearing the family stirring. The house is still a disaster, but I'll still worry about it later.

I can't wait to go to Utah Tuesday. I am not looking forward to traveling. It's hard to drive the hour (with no traffic) to the airport and sit there for two hours just in case there is traffic. It's hard to juggle luggage and carseats and kids alone. It's a long flight BUT we have no layover for the first time. AND, does it really matter when the end result is that we will see our family?????


Chellie said...

kids sleeping in? what? is that for real? 10AM? sleeping in around here on any given day is 6:30.

don't worry about the poop... in a 5 year old's mind, poop is poop even it it is bird poop... she was probably worried about it. I think as mom's we always worry about what our kids think. But we don't want them to worry about what other's think.
As adults we don't care what other's think, but growing up I remember caring a lot...
did that make sense?

Chellie said...

oh yeah, and I was going to comment on reading a stranger's blog. I used to and was finding that I was spending too much time doing that. So in order for me to cut back computer time, I now only read people I know or are once removed from me. I erased from my side bar links anyone I didn't know, but was reading.
There are a lot of interesting people out there... moms going through what we are, great advise, etc. So it can become addicting, I think. Now I just read my side bar blogs.