Saturday, December 08, 2007

First Lost Tooth!

Amelia came home from school and said, "Mom, my tooth is so loose now!" She has been saying that for about a year now, so I just asked her if she wanted me to pull it out, not really thinking it was any looser than it was a year ago. But to my surprise, one little tug, and it was in my hand. We were so excited. I even cried a little....I mean, that is a BIG girl.
We had a little problem that night though. Amelia did NOT want some strange fairy coming into her bedroom in the middle of the night, and she really wanted to keep her tooth to show her friends. We came up with a plan to just leave the Tooth Fairy a note on the front door to tell her what we wanted her to do:

We also had some really good discussions on the life of the Tooth Fairy. Amelia said to me in the car that night, "Mom, I think I finally decided what I want to be when I grow up....I want to be the Tooth Fairy." Then she asked me how she gets small to become a fairy because the Tooth Fairy that came to her preschool was the size of a mom. Then she asked me if the Tooth Fairy was friends with Santa and the Easter Bunny. Then she asked me if the Tooth Fairy had a mom and dad.

THEN she said to me after a long, thoughtful silence, "Mom, I think I know why the Tooth Fairy doesn't live in the North Pole." "Why's that?" I asked. "Because the Tooth Fairy's castle is made of teeth and it would blend in too much with the snow."

I'm sure she's right.


robin said...

that is so cute. very clever with the note. unfortunately the tooth fairy has a bad rap in our house due to the fact that sometimes it takes weeks to get here. my boys gave up on her and just keep reminding us. i think they have always had a pretty good idea about who she is.

Anonymous said...

Well I'm sure she IS right. The teeth would blend in with the snow. Such a thinker!


Dave Riddle said...

Cute Story, that note goes against all tooth fairy rules. You can't ask for money and not give up the tooth. I tried that once and all I got back was a letter from the tooth fairy saying that next time she was coming back with pliers. I was a little more careful after that. Let me know if she gets any money, if it works maybe I can leave a note myself and bluff of a couple of bucks.

Jessi said...

I think I would like to be the tooth fairy when I grow up, too. Amelia sure has things figured out!

MiandMiksmom said...

Dave R., just as a follow-up...the Tooth Fairy left $4 and left the tooth. However, when Amelia went to school the kids let her know they all got about $20 and a Webkinz when they lost their first tooth. Man, our Tooth Fairy is cheap, but at least she stayed outside...Fairy dust is hard to clean up.

Nan said...

Wow! inflation isn't the same in Utah. My kids get $1-2. Once Alicia wrote a note asking for $4 b/c it was a nice tooth.
But for the record, many lost teeth have gotten money in our home if a note is found in its place and the tooth fairy knows who is telling the truth.

Chellie said...

haha...cute. I've left Ryker $10 for his teeth... but Jak will be lucky if he gets a quarter!

Cute picture!

Anonymous said...

I never heard of the tooth fairy when I grew up. I just threw them away. All you kids are spoiled!