Thursday, December 06, 2007


This is a picture of Mikayla with her dear friend Kristen. Kristen and her mom came and spoke to my Daisies about her battle with Leukemia. The girls were working on their "Caring and Considerate" Patch, so they focused on all the things that people have done for them to make their experience a little easier. I am amazed by their faith and strength.
Tonight Mikayla's preschool sponsored a Parents' Night Out, so I dropped the kids off at the church and picked up some food for Dave and me and got on the phone with one of my Girl Scout moms. Our troop had sponsored a girl for Christmas, but no one had done the younger brothers. This mom wanted to get going on the brothers. To make a long story short, she told me that her husband has been battling cancer and so many people had helped them and even though medical bill collectors were making daily calls, she just couldn't let these boys go without Christmas. Then she said, "I guess you realize how much money doesn't matter when you have your health."
Today when I was volunteering at Amelia's school's Santa Shop a mom there was telling me about her husband. They spent Thanksgiving at the Mayo Clinic, but they were together. I could tell she was SO tired, but so hopeful.
I think I take it for granted. I wish I could make every sick kid and adult well. I wish no family had to go through the pain of having someone sick. It breaks my heart. I'll never forget the day that we found out Dave's mom had cancer. I was teaching my 2nd period 8th grade English class when I got the call. I just started crying....and those sweet teenagers in my class dropped everything. They were so worried and concerned. She came out of it strong and healthy, and I just hope the same happens for all of these people that are suffering so much now.


Tauna said...

wow... it really makes you think huh. Have you seen the movie- "the ultimate gift" if you haven't, it's a must see. It's one of our favorites now. after I read your post it just really made me think. I never want to take anything for granted. Life's to short to not enjoy all the small things in life. I've realized that the moment I think life is rough....there is always someone going through rougher times then me. That's a sweet picture of mik and her little friend.

robin said...

i agree with tauna. i just like to keep in mind that my trials are blessings in disguise. i also love the picture. your girls are both so cute inside and out. love ya!

Jessi said...

Over the weekend one of my good friends almost lost her little boy to an awful lung infection. I've had to spend a little more time kissing and cuddling my girls. Health is a blessing I totally take for granted.

Chellie said...

Super cute! We are truly blessed.