Saturday, December 22, 2007

More December Fun

I guess since I've started, I better just document the whole month! Tonight we went to the lights at Lanier Island. It ended with a carnival and Amelia riding every crazy ride with Dave while Mik and I stuck to the little ones. The rain made it very interesting. The girls chose this year's ornaments (more to come on that) and Dave and I ended up in a fight over the importance of this tradition and why we need to be able to spend as much time in the store as needed to pick out the PERFECT ornament. No, it's not easy being this cool...I mean, from the pink cowgirl boots (Mom, we are totally ready for the next size) to D's hand-knitted scarf that is so stretched out from Amelia insisting on wearing it every day and then sharing it with all the girls in her class at recess to carrying the sparkly pink purse while wearing a Halloween headband.
"DO YOU WANT ME TO HAVE A BAD DAY???? BECAUSE I WAS GOING TO HAVE A GOOD DAY BUT YOU KEEP RUINING IT FOR ME!!!!" This is what she says approximately ten times a day lately.
So, I love to shop early, but the problem with that is I usually end up shopping some this year I've tried to keep busy with other projects, like painting my windows. I'm not sure how the neighbors feel about that...
Amelia's class party...yes, she is that tall. But man, when you are that tall and still wear two-inch boots, now that puts her over the top!At least we know she doesn't cheat!
I took my fifteen Daisies bowling for our Christmas party. It was crazy but so much fun!
And finally, Mikayla's class party. She showed her cookie decorating skills very nicely. This time she didn't eat it though. I think because they used Skittles and not M&M' teachers.


robin said...

looks like a lot of fun. can't wait to hear about the ornaments. one may day woo-hoo! i think we might make it.

robin said...

oops one MORE day

Jessi said...

Your windows are so cool! If you were my neighbor I would be thrilled.

Chellie said...

Fun! Fun!
Amelia looks total fashion. I am not looking forward to that stage at all! :)

I can't wait for Christmas! We've almost made it!

Anonymous said...

I agree with you. You need to find the perfect ornaments to reflect your wishes and dreams of the past and the present. (I love to collect cats!) I hope miss mikayla has a good day.

Nan said...

Mik is so funny. Maybe I'll adopt her saying into my life!