Saturday, March 01, 2008

One Year Ago....

Kate tagged me, so here goes.....

What were you doing 10 years ago? Dave was getting his MBA. I was finishing my first year of teaching....8th grade English and 9th grade Drama at FJH. We lived in a cinderblock apartment at the U in married student housing.

What were you doing 1 year ago? Pretty much the same thing, except for teaching at the girls' preschool three mornings a week and also teaching tennis at the Parks and Rec.

We still love INK (our closest children's museum) but it's bigger and more expensive now.

Five snacks you enjoy: Dots, trail mix from Wal-Mart, pretzels, edamame, Diet Coke

5 Things I would do if I was a millionaire: 1. Pay for my house 2. Give my neighbors who have five boys the $360,000 to get their house out of foreclosure 3. Get Lasik 4. Give Dave's parents the best 50th wedding anniversary party ever 5. Save the rest.

One year later, and my girls will be wearing these exact same st. patrick's day shirts...just wait!

5 Bad Habits- 1. Biting my nails. 2. picking the skin off my thumbs. 3. taking my wedding ring on and off and trading fingers with it. 4. putting my hands up on my face 5. not getting enough sleep.

5 things you like doing? 1 - Being outside. 2 -working out 3 -seeing my kids happy 4.-Meeting new people 5 - being with friends

Mikayla told me today that she missed her old preschool and really wanted to go to "Donuts for Dads" like last year. It was this day last year that Mikayla's dear friend Kristen was diagnosed with Leukemia and is already growing her hair back and cancer-free!

5 things you would never wear again: 1. fish nets 2- pegged leg pants (or even "skinny jeans" for that matter) 3- Overalls 4- acid wash jeans 5- parachute pants

5 Favorite Toys - 1. Dave's ipod (why don't I have my own????) 2. My girls' American Girl Dolls (thanks Mom) 3. the computer 4. hmmmmm, maybe the big ball at the gym that you do abs on???? 5. The remote control on American Idol nights.

We were at Jen's baby shower this morning and just happened to be laughing at Miki and this brown dress that she wore her entire pregnancy. On this day, nearly a year ago, I called her in need of a "stand in Mom" at the preschool egg hunt because I was teaching my own preschool class. She showed up 9 months pregnant in the fabulous brown dress...what a friend! She is now planning Max's first birthday...crazy!

Thanks for the fun I tag: All cousins, sisters, and friends that will play!


Kate said...

what preschool do you send your kids to now?

Anonymous said...

I love what you would do with a million dollars. I can't wait to see you. Watch out Georgia here comes Nana and Grandad. mom

Anonymous said...

Hey! I remember you wearing overalls all the time. I wondered if you still had them. Did you used to wear fish nets on your head? I don't remember that.

MiandMiksmom said...

Kate -They're at First Baptist.

Mom -It's a beautiful 70 degrees today. I hope it just like this when you come.

Dad -Dude, I did wear overalls all the time, didn't I? Why didn't you tell me how dorky they were? And no Dad, I didn't wear fish nets on my was the infamous Madonna look, with high tops and poofy skirts.

Nan said...

You had the cutest clothes! But I also would never wear skinny jeans. Who looks good in those???

So sad about your neighbor! Maybe they can get on Opera's Big Give.

I can't even get my wedding ring off. Bad habits are hard to change!

Roger That said...

I love this! You girl so so cute! I guess I know when I'm getting old when 10 year ago seem like two.