Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Some hints...

Okay, so I'm not the world's best blogger, and this may be old news to you, but my friend Jessi showed me this cool thing and I thought I would pass it on:

Go to reader.google.com and copy and paste all the addresses of the blogs you read. Then just log on to reader.google and it will put the blogs in bold that have updated. It saves you from having to open all the blogs that you read. I love it! You can't comment from that page though, so if I've slacked on comments, you know why, but I do read because I love to know what's going on in my friends' lives!

Second, have you ever gone back and read your blog???? Well, I hadn't until Saturday night when everyone was asleep and I was bored. I had no idea how many comments I had never read on my own blog. Some were hilarious and some were sweet and some were really helpful and I wouldn't have even seen them! If I do a new post, I forget that some people were still commenting on old ones. Anyway, they were fun to read!

Have a great day! It's pouring rain here, but yesterday it was 72 and we took the Girl Scouts to the park (to pick up trash, but mostly to play!!!)

My mom and dad are coming next week and I can't wait!

Mikayla had nightmares all night about getting on a plane. She ended up in bed with us and is still asleep! Poor kid!


Chellie said...

I LOVE google reader! I've been using it for awhile now and love that I can just read a blog when it's updated. I never click on anyone's blog anymore, unless I go there to comment.
And it's why I don't have my link list on my own blog now.

My whole post doesn't show up on Google reader though, so people have to get on my blog to read it. I do that on purpose :)
I forget to leave comments, even though I have read them.

You can have all of your comments emailed to you that way you NEVER have to go back. If someone leaves you a comment it is automatically emailed to you, so you never have to check your blog for comments or go back in time to check to see if comments were left. The comment goes straight to your email in RE: to title of the post. It is very cool and saves a lot of time.

Anonymous said...

Mikayla might be too young to watch "Snakes on a Plane". When I come out we can rent "Event Horizon"...she will never sleep again. :)

Nan said...

Thanks, Chaun and Chel. I have been wondering how to do this. I also would like to make my blog more personal but have no idea how to do it. Is there a blog class or something??