Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Crazy People

So this week the girls and I tagged along with Dave as he started his first day in Charlotte. We had nothing going on this week...no camps, no parties, and it was a great week to come. However, we don't have a car during the day. Yesterday the hotel called a cab for me to pick us up from the mall. We walked there (about one mile tops, but it is on a VERY busy road so I felt better NOT walking back). The cab was disgusting; and the cab driver was gross. I asked him how he was doing and he grunted, and about a minute later he mumbled something about us riding in the trunk next time.

Um, there won't be a next time. We were in the cab for approximately four minutes and I was never happier to hand someone a $5 bill and get the heck out of there. Needless to say, we won't be taking any more cab rides. Today we hung at the pool and in the room and now at the business center. Tomorrow we are driving Dave to work so we can have the car to check out neighborhoods again.


Nan said...

What a creep! He should have been paying you for riding in his dump.

But that's sounds like so fun to just hang out w/o worrying about much. Are you looking for houses or have you already bought one?

Jessi said...

Nasty. I'm glad you got out of there, too.

When do you get back?

robin said...

What? that IS creepy. Yuck!

I love looking at neighborhoods. Sounds like fun.

Alli said...

where are you moving to? i'm way behind...

Anonymous said...

Charlotte - crazy. Are you close to the beach at all? Sorry, I'm not one for geography and I don't want to have to actually glance at a map.


WX Ences said...

Creepy! I am not into really big cities like that...I guess your experience is a really good reason for it!

I wish a ton of luck in your house hunting! I hope you find what you're looking for, and soon!