Amelia lost two teeth in one day yesterday! She had one on the bottom that was so loose, she called it a "snaggletooth." However, when we went to the pool, her friend Cooper knocked it out with a water shooter on accident. Later that day the snaggletooth fell out. Here was Amelia's letter to the toothfairy in her words:
Go Toothfere!!! Tooftferee rooks!!! Wao oow!!!
Deer Tooferee,
I lost 2 teef in 1 day Love Amelia PS 5 toofs all togethr I hav a queshin wat is yor ril name?
The toothfairy wrote back and left her double the money and informed her that her real name is "Bibbity Matilda." It sounded magical. However, if your kids ask the same thing, can you go with me on this one?
Just let Amelia know that her tooth fairy rocks! The one in this house has the memory of a 95 year old granny!
Nice! I'm pretty sure I will be unable to keep a straight face while calling the tooth fairy, "Bibbity Matilda"!!! Nice!
Clay's only lost two teeth and he is working on the top two. Hopefully they come out soon so he'll stop bothering me about them!!!
that is so cute! I don't know how you kept a straight face when you told her the toothfairy's name. You are quick on your feet. I would have blurted out "Jan" or something.
hi chaun! amelia is sooo cute. love the missing teeth! and i can't believe you are moving! i was thinking...maybe we should plan a girlfriend trip with old friends from high school...like meet in mexico or something...that would be so fun! miss you! xoxoxo
I had to laugh at the sweet letter to the tooth fairy. It brings back memories of another little girl (many years ago) who always had a special note to the Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny, Santa and etc.
nana montana
That's hilarious. I love that the tooth fairy's name is Bibbity Matilda. So funny.
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