Today Amelia said to me, "Mom, I have this weird thing on my hand." I was a little freaked out thinking she had warts until she showed me her hand...and guess what? SHE HAS A CALLOUS! I don't know how to spell it for sure, but you know what I mean...the things you get that show you are a hard worker! And she is. Yesterday, for example, she swept the entire driveway, helped me clean out the car, vacuumed the seats and scrubbed the car seats.
It reminds me of this time I was sitting at a restaurant with Dave and his friend who had come to visit. Well, Mitch looked at my hands and said, "I like your hands. You have man hands." I was a little offended...thinking of the Seinfeld episode, until he said, "You have short nails and callouses...that's the sign of a girl who isn't afraid of hard work."
I'm glad that my seven year old already has callouses. I was proud. :)