Friday, September 05, 2008

Good Eats????

I may have moved from Georgia, but I still live in the South.
I am reminded of this regularly, but this morning as I was reading the school menu to the girls and read "Bologna and Grits" I was reminded of where I live and then was speechless. Don't worry, I packed their lunch.


Jenn said...

That sounds delicious! If you ever have to try it, (a dinner invitation) let us know how it is. It might be your new favorite! You are funny

WX Ences said...

Seriously?!?! I'm not quite sure what I would say either...I didn't even know people still ate bologna...WoW!

Nan said...

That is so funny! My kids would freak. School lunch can get pretty interesting. What happened to the good old days of homemade food in the lunch lines. Emily came home yesterday and said she had a string cheese and yogurt!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE Bologna!

Anonymous said...

That sounds nasty. Wait a minute....oh okay, I'm back. Just had a little throw up in my mouth for a sec. EEEEWWWW.
