Thursday, September 18, 2008

Taking a Breather...

In the last seven years I finally got pregnant, gained 85 pounds, nursed, pumped, cuddled, diapered, lost 80 pounds, got pregnant again (a little fast this time), gained 73 pounds, nursed, pumped, cuddled, diapered, kept up with a toddler and a newborn while moving across the country, lived in a hotel with a newborn and a toddler and no car, lost the $#%^ pounds again, made our Georgia house a home, started a playgroup, took kids to Gymboree, the park, Kindermusik, gymnastics, the library storytime, preschool, and taught at their preschool to be with them, ballet, soccer...even coached soccer for two seasons, swim lessons, cheerleading, wiped tears, made library trips, hospital trips, made lots of friends, lost some friends, PTA, Girl Scout leader, etc. etc., only to move again.
So now, both kids are in school...all day. And guess what? I'm kicking my feet up a little bit and enjoying it...and trying really hard not to feel guilty about it. I'm busy on some days and running around and whatever, but I've had more free time than I've ever had in my entire life, and I'm loving it.


Jenn said...

K- reading your list made me worn out. You deserve time to be you. I am jealous. I want a little free time away from kids. Maybe in a few years- like 5!!!

Jessi said...

If there is anyone that deserves to take a little breather it's YOU!!! I'm glad you are enjoying it.

WX Ences said...

I AM SOOOO JEALOUS!!! And not too proud to admit it!

I do have to admit though, you are WAY busier than I have ever been...I got tired just reading it (or maybe that's because it's one in the morning, but whatever)!

All I have to say is ENJOY IT (for both of us)!!!

robin said...

Amen Sistah!!!! And seriously don't feel guilty because before you know it they will be in a million different activities and the time they are in school is the only time you have.

Nan said...

I love this post! I so can relate but w/ a few extra diapers and pregnancies. I love this stage. Enjoy and don't feel guity. We deserve it!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm so jealous. Of the free time.
