Friday, September 26, 2008

A Lil' Homesick

So, it's 4:30 and I should be well on my way to my scrapbook retreat, but there is NO GAS in a twenty-five mile radius, so I'm sitting here on my computer and not heading to see my scrapbook buds for the weekend. While I'm wallowing in my pity, here are a few other things I miss:

School not starting until 8:20 (7:20 is really hard).
Having teachers that loved my kids so much that they call me here just to check on them.
Marvelous Monday, Terrific Tuesday, Wacky Wednesday, Thirsty Thursday, Fabulous Friday, etc.
Neighbors that were friends.
Bunco in the 'hood, where they spelled it "Bunco" and knew how to play
Not having a kid sent to the principal's office for wearing a home-made "spirit shirt" because we weren't allowed to buy them until Oct. 7, but my kids weren't at the school last year, so they didn't have one to wear today.
Having a golf cart and cruising around on one is a common experience.
Not having to dial a "1" before my friends' numbers.
Double Shots' wings.
My friends' kids and not knowing how they are doing in school and hearing about their day and whatever (I guess the friends go without saying).
Back patio/deck hang outs.
Cumming Dance Academy.
Dixie, Piper, Peanut, Abby, Bama and Cokie.
The crazy neighbors' boys from across the street (not the neighbor parents themselves).
Making cookies with all the neighbor boys who pretended to be too cool to do so, but always came over on cookie day.
The lady at Nail Dynasty who did a killer wax job on my eyebrows every time.
Actually, Nail Dynasty itself where a pedicure cost $18, not $30.
A big backyard with a beautiful view.
My BIRDFEEDER that I want back desperately but left there on accident.
Meineke off exit 17 that was the most honest car fixer place on earth.
Kroger where the shopping wasn't as good and fresh as here but where the clerks knew my kids. by name and waited for them every Monday to come in.
Dr. Babao, the best pediatrician in the world.
The outlet mall five minutes from my house.
A brown house.
Hillary, the best babysitter in the world.

Okay, so I will sign off for now. Life is fine here in SC, but I do miss a lot of things. I'm also glad to leave behind some things, but mostly I just miss it and my friends so, so, much...especially because I'm sitting here and not on the retreat! And can you give me a shout-out if you're reading my blog?


Jenn said...

That is hard. I know how it feels to move away from friends. It sounded like your old neighborhood was awesome. Hopefully in time, you new house will have a great neighborhood as well.

WX Ences said...

I'm sorry to hear you're missing out...I'd be bummed to...ok, I am bummed. However, I don't even have a cool retreat to go to. I just have a house full of sick kids and no's all at the new house. Very bad idea.

So, when you start to feel bad, just think about me sitting at home with no food, three sick kids, mountains of laundry and a GAZILLION projects that need to get done, but I have no time for...Feel better?!?!

I hope so! You're awesome and Jenn is time the new house will be just as awesome (or perhaps even MORE awesome) than the old one! Especially, now that you're there!

Jessi said...

I can assure you that everyone who knew you misses you. And we're maybe a little selfishly glad that you're missing us, too. :)

Hugs and kisses from GA.

Tauna said...

oh I am so sorry. I'd be feeling a little down in the dumps too. you listed a lot of good things but I know with your personality soon you'll have a list of things you love there. Just know you are loved by so many! I love you!!! Hang in there and keep smiling.

Anonymous said...

You listed a lot of things I will miss about GA. Our Golf Cart strolls and taking out the tree at the club house. Pedicures, Moes, Lolipop store, hiking... just to name a few. But I look forward to some new adventures!!! mom

Nan said...

Sorry about the gas... what a bummer. Hope things start looking up. I know change is so hard.

Clanturner said...

Hang in there girl. I usually cry the first month or so we move to a new place and then in a few months you will think, wow - this place is awesome, I can't imagine never coming here. Advice: Don't wait for people to find you to make friends and get involved. Get out there and take cookies to your neighbors and say, hey, I am your new neighbor - they will feel like total idiots for not beating you to it. Hang in there - LOVE YA! Christy

Anonymous said...

love you chaun! you obviously really loved georgia....i think it is so great that you get to experience other parts of the country with your little family, even though I am sure it is hard to be away from your parents and sibs, etc. But i am so proud of you and I am loving how you and Dave and your beautiful girls are turning out...its hard to believe we are 34. so much time has gone by! you are so lucky to have had those great neighbor friends....what a fun experience! sending lots of love to you! xoxo