Friday, May 26, 2006

Me, Before Kids

I was thinking the other day about how much my life has changed since I've had kids. I was looking at me from my friends' eyes who never knew me before I had kids. I am a different person. My personality hasn't really changed, but my values and activities have. I'm not sad about it; I was just reflecting on all of it. For example, these are things I did pre-Amelia and Mikayla:

  • My job meant everything to me; teaching was one of the most important things in my life...and I was good at it and even was nominated for awards!
  • We woke up on Sunday mornings, went to church, came home and Dave fixed breakfast, fell asleep on the couch (the old green flowered couch that had a cat-pee smell that Dave found at a garage sale...remember Candace and Brittney?) until 4:00 when we woke up and went to Dave's parents' house for our Sunday roast dinner.
  • It was easy to keep a house clean (maybe because it was a three room, cinder-block-wall student apartment).
  • We mountain biked, hiked and camped more...and it was easy to just GO!
  • I had acrylic nails.
  • I didn't know who Bratz dolls or Zoe were.
  • I had extra money.
  • I spent that extra money on ME!
  • I was smart. I could hold a conversation and could talk about current events and actually sound educated.
  • I bought clothes at places other than Old Navy, Gap, Target and Wal-Mart.
  • I wore shoes other than flip-flops.
  • I didn't really understand what it meant to love someone so completely from the minute I saw them (or felt them).

When it comes down to it, I guess I'm the same person DEEP inside, but things sure do change! Someone said something to me the other day about my patience and how I was a good mom and they could never be like that....and I was thinking to myself, there was a time I thought the exact same thing about myself.


Chellie said...

That was cute Chaun! It's amazing how one's life can change with kids, but that we wouldn't change back for the world!! Luv Ya

Anonymous said...

You are awesome Chaun. Being a mother does change so many things, but brings so many new, wonderful things. I swear - I don't even remember before kids. I was so young. It was so long ago for me! All I do know is that I am much wiser now. You would hope so 10 years later though!

Unknown said...

all this is sooooo true! It's funny to think what having children does to people. I'm glad for it, even though it's been hard! Oh, the days of crappy couches and cinderblock apartments...brings a smile to my face.

all alli. said...

"I didn't really understand what it meant to love someone so completely from the minute I saw them (or felt them)."
--I didn't either...but now i do. :D how are you?

Jessi said...

Sooooooo true!! I don't think I would go back to the person I was pre-kids though. I like myself better now.

Colorsonmymind said...

Ahhh we have a lot in common. I too am a teacher-share the same feelings about my life changing since becoming a parent and decidingto stay home.

I have only read two posts so far-found you from Sunday Scribblings.
Nice to 'meet" you.

Ang said...

I couldn't say it better myself. I just had baby number three almost 2 months ago now. When I look back it is amazing how much my values and priorities have changed over the past five years since my first child. When I watch them sleeping or playing together though, I know I would never change it for anything.