Wednesday, July 25, 2007


I need to count my blessings today:

My kids have Princess Camp for three hours today, which will let me get all of the house stuff done so I can devote the rest of the day to them!

I got up out of bed even though I didn't want to to go to the gym this morning. (I'm trying to shed the 10 POUNDS I put on in Utah and Dallas.)

I haven't had to cook in two nights thanks to the neighbor who brought dinner to thank us for watching her dog and because Moe's has Kids Eat Free on Tuesday nights.

It didn't rain yesterday.

I'm caught up on everything.

I have tickets to Def Leppard.

I have plans with friends this week that I haven't been able to see a whole lot this summer.

Even though we only have three weeks left of summer, I feel that Amelia is totally ready to go to Kindergarten, and we've had a lot of fun!

Mikayla is in a new school and I'M NOT WORKING ANYMORE...I can no longer be called the part time job queen.

Okay, I need to shower before the kids wake up. That felt good!

1 comment:

Jessi said...

I feel so behind on what's been going on in your life! We NEED to get together!!!