Tuesday, August 07, 2007

I Love Josh!

I'm sad today. I'm sad and happy and proud and excited and scared and everything else. Joshy is leaving on his mission TOMORROW...well, to the MTC. I just want to be there to say good bye. I miss him already. It's funny because we live clear across the country right now, but it's different. I know he'll be gone for two years. Today Amelia called him and left a message and said, "Joshy, when you get back I'll be eight and we're all going to go on a Disney Cruise!" The thought of her being eight before I see him again made me want to cry.

Anyway, he is such a great kid. He just turned nineteen three days ago. He is mature, talented and good-hearted, and will be an amazing missionary. I love you Joshy.

And to end my rambling of mixed emotions, I have to tell you a funny Joshy story: When Josh was about seven, Dave and I were "babysitting" the rugrats: D and Joshy. We weren't even married yet and Dave seemed to forget that little Josh was the little brother of three GIRLS, and had maybe not experienced the big brother type games. He introduced "Hot Box" (a made-up game that just allowed the Marsh boys to pummel each other without getting in too much trouble). He then proceded to give Joshy a bloody nose just minutes into the game. After instructing both of them to not say a word to our mom and dad, we got the blood stopped and the mess cleaned up. As soon as Mom and Dad walked in, Josh screamed, "You'll never guess what happened to me!!!!"

Another of my favorite Joshy stories is the time that Josh was probably about ten and we decided to take D and Josh to a Drive-in movie. Well, after traumatizing the children by putting them in a Geo (they were only used to big cars and were scared to death), we introduced them to the fact that Chaun and Dave are cheap....I mean, frugal. Before entering the movie, we made the kids lay down on the floor of the backseat and covered them with sleeping bags and got them into the movie free. How dishonest was that? At the time, we were just trying to save money. Anyway, we treated them to a fabulous movie night, but when we got home all Joshy could tell is how we sneaked him into the movie.

That's my brother: true, honest, and good. I love you Joshy!

I wish I could have posted a picture from our last trip, but I hate Kodak Easy Share....all of my photos have been transfered on to that, and I can't post them on my blog.


Anonymous said...

Cute stories!

How old were you and Dave when you figured out that drive-in tickets are "per car"?:)

MiandMiksmom said...

Dad, you haven't been to drive-ins in West Valley...they do things a little differently there.

BTW, why are you awake????? I can't believe Joshy is leaving in a few hours...I'm sure that's why you are awake!

Chellie said...

cute josh.
it's funny because i know exactly what you mean... i may only see him a handful of times a year, but it's different this time!

Jessi said...

I remember when my brother left on his mission. I tried to imagine what things would be like when he got back and it made two years feel like a really long time. Now, he's been home almost 5 years!!! Where does the time go?