Thursday, October 18, 2007

Annoying Moms

Okay, so I know I can totally be an annoying mom. I think I annoyed the heck out of Amelia's teacher today at Parent/Teacher conference when I told her that I thought some sight words should be phonetic words, and I could understand why "one" was a sight word, but why was "go" when it made perfect sense to sound it out? Anyway, I digress.

I have PMS, and I get easily annoyed, so I'm going to vent to all ten of you who read my blog and three who dare comment. Mikayla is in ballet with the most annoying moms in the world. Mikayla ended up not being able to get in a preschool that has school on Tuesdays, so she ended up in a ballet class with a bunch of girls on Tuesdays who are homeschooled and have older siblings who are homeschooled. (I know that because they drag them all along for the hour and a half lesson. I'm sure it's counted as a field trip somewhere.) It's also all the moms who whip their breasts out and feed their children who are almost two years old. I am NOT exaggerating. Okay, I can understand that to a point, but then the one mom comes in with a 9 month old, cradling her baby and giving it a bottle and the moms turned their backs on her....I promise. It was crazy. They wouldn't say one word to her. So I asked her what her baby's name was and told her how beautiful he was and whatever, and then two more moms squeezed in on the bench and started to nurse their kids just to show her what she "should" be doing.

Okay, so I nursed Amelia for 12 months, and Mik for ten, and I mainly pumped bottles because it was easier, and I didn't find that I bonded more or loved my kid more or whatever. I think they were both alllergic to formula and it was cheap, and whatever. I never let them hold their own bottle, because I liked to feed them and snuggle with them, but I sure as heck didn't care if someone else's baby was holding their own bottle at six months. What is it with that mentality??????

Then, they all start whipping out their baby slings....they are all talking about how many kids you can truck around a grocery store without actually putting any of them in a buggy (shopping cart, for those of you out of Georgia). I tried to interject my opinion about the world's best baby sling ( but they wouldn't even listen...I mean, who was I???? I didn't have a baby in it at the moment. I tried to tell them that my "baby" (who is four, but still loves to be in her sling) is proof enough that it is the best sling, but I didn't get a chance. I rattled off the website and then mumbled something about leaving to find a frame with a big mat so that the my older daughter's cheerleading team could all sign around their picture for the coach and left.

When I came back to pick up Mik, the poor mom who doesn't breastfeed, was sitting all alone, and all the other moms had their babies to their chests with their backs to her. (BTW, this is a SMALL waiting room, so to put your back to someone is hard work.)

Okay, so what's the big deal...seriously? Do you know what kind of mom I'm talking about? Why does it have to be such a big deal? Why do some of these moms have to be "poster moms" for breastfeeding and homeschooling and carrying their kids in slings? Why can't they just do it and shut up about it? I don't announce to the world that I only give my kids water to drink (yes, no milk and no juice!!!! gasp!), don't really care if they bathe only twice a week, and give them at least three desserts a day.

Am I crazy? Do you know who I'm talking about? They seriously annoy me.


Jessi said...

Yikes! I would be annoyed even without the PMS. Really, it just makes me sad when moms feel like they have to compete and "one-up" each other. Aren't we all in this together? (After High School Musical can you say that line without singing it?):)

I wish she and Emily (and Summer) could be in the same class. There are some really cool moms in the waiting room while we're there.

Chellie said...

Those ladies would totally hate me! I choose not to breastfeed my babies. I hold there bottle and love them and cuddle them. I will NEVER buy that it is more of a bonding thing.

In fact, I'm quite opposite them... breast feeding babies too long ANNOYS me so bad and I also hate when people whip it out to do it. They need to go to a lounge or plan feeding time when they are home.

I'd be annoyed too.

Chellie said...

ugh... their NOT there.

Unknown said...

I would be totally annoyed too! I can't stand people who pass judgements like that. The sad thing is they aren't setting an example to their children how to treat you choose to feed your baby is nobody else's business! Your blog is fun to read! Hope you don't mind me reading. My blog is ~ Stacey

MiandMiksmom said...

Hi Stacey! Actually, I was kind of passing judgment too. Oh well! I was really annoyed that day...I could add to the story what happened this never ends!

Nan said...

Chaun, you are a great example to the others. I can't even imagine this happening but then again it's because I'm to tired to notice anything outside my own realm, which is also not such a great thing. Keep it up! I think you are great!

Anonymous said...

I think you should breastfeed until they're 15 stop and then start again when they're 35...