Sunday, October 14, 2007


Last Friday Mikayla and I ran to the Girl Scout store to get all the uniforms for the girls. She found this adorable doll that she named Molly. She carried Molly around for four days straight, until Molly was tragically left at the park. For three days Mikayla would yell, "Molly, come out, come out wherever you are!" and "Molly, if you don't come out now, I'm going to eat your treats and play with your toys." The poor kid thought she was hiding.

I hated to drive all the way back to the Girl Scout store to replace $15 Molly, so I called to have them ship another doll to me. They were so sweet when I told her the story. She called me back later and said that another lady was driving to my city the next day and would bring the doll with her, and I could just pick her up.

So, the next morning, I called my home phone from my cell phone and said things like, "You did??? You really found Molly! Where was she???? We can pick her up right now!" Mikayla was so happy.

Now, my story could be over then, but this is the point of it all: When we went to the GS office, that lady went above and beyond her call of duty! She told Mikayla that Molly had jumped on the back of her car and had gone to Girl Scout camp for a few nights and even met a friend. She then preceded to pull out another doll that she had brought along with Molly and gave them to her. She had taken Molly and her friend out of the packaging, so it looked like the old Molly. She told Mikayla that she heard giggling and turned around and those dolls were just partying it up, but now they wanted to go home.

Mikayla just hugged and hugged Molly and then hugged the lady and told her that Nana was going to buy her a kitty necklace too. (I know, but that was what she wanted to do to be nice back to the lady!) It was awesome. The lady told me that all of this had just made her day. Now Mikayla might think that dolls talk and walk and all of that, but there will come a day when she learns that they don't, and that makes me sad.


Chellie said...

wow. what nice GS people!

Also, have you seen Toy Story? Well, I'm sure you have... Jak's new thing is "yelling" to me "YOU ARE A TOY!"

It's hilarious... you know how Woody tries to explain to Buzz he's just a toy, not a real space ranger... anyway, now I am just a toy whenever I say something to Jak that he doesn't want to hear.

So cute about Mikayla. I'd like to meet Molly someday.

robin said...

That is funny! she is so adorable!! fyi- I still think dolls walk and talk and toys cry if boys leave them out in the middle of the floor and they get stepped on or worse yet they get dirty cloths piled on top so they can't breath. Harder to sell it every year but sometimes they play along.

Dave Riddle said...

I had a bad experience with dolls when I was a boy. I don't really like to talk about it. Lets just say, it involved me getting beat up over it. She was twice my size thats the only reason she won.

Anonymous said...

That is an awesome story....very cute!
That was really nice that the lady from the GS office did that.