Thursday, February 02, 2006

You're Not Coming to My Birthday

Why do we say "Terrible twos?" And then there are some well-meaning moms that say, "Oh, I like to call them TERRIFIC TWOS!!!" Who are these people? These aren't terrible twos or terrific twos...these are horrendous, horrible, can-I-possibly-make-it-through-this day, twos. Seriously life is so hard with my "adorable" two year old.

If anyone says anything she doesn't agree with (which is approximately 97% of the time) she yells, "YOUR NOT COMING TO MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!" Half the time I reply, "Good, I didn't want to." I will not be winning any Mother-of-the-Year awards any time soon. I'm just holding on and bracing myself for the ride.


D said...

omg, this made me laugh so hard. she really is SO beautiful and cute that it's hard to believe she's so naughty. i remember amelia used the 'your not coming to my birthday party' line a few times. i think she even said it to nana.

Chellie said...

well... yesterday on the phone she told me I could come to her birthday party and that I should bring lots of presents and Cinderella is her favorite, but she needs to wear pink and that Mommy is yelling and sister won't let her use her pen and I can sleep in her bed and she has "lellow" hair and she likes toys-r-us but she didn't get to buy anything and that her playroom is pink, NOT blue and her daddy likes to play and that her sister calls her sarah and that I CAN come to her birthday!!!!!
(good thing she is soooo cute)

Chellie said...

ok ok... i know i already posted a comment... but i just read this again and it is so HILARIOUS. but i just had to make it a point that she told me i could go to her birthday twice. i'll probably be the only one there!

D said...

haaaa haaaa, chell's comment made me cry. kayla is adorable.

Anonymous said...

You child looks like she is MEAN

Anonymous said...
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