Sunday, January 29, 2006

Me and My Mouth

Have you ever said something that sounded perfectly normal in your head and as soon as it came out of your mouth for all the world to hear, you realized maybe it didn't sound so right?

I went to get my hair cut, but because I'm frugal (cheap) and it was a new place, I wanted to check the prices before they wrote my name down. The lady yelled from the back of the salon, "Can I help you?" and I said, "How much do you charge for a shampoo, trim and blow job?"

At the gas station awhile ago, the clerk said, "Do you need anything else?" and I replied, "No, I just have gas."

I went to drop my clothes off at the consignment store and I was trying to find out the timing on selling and discounting the items and getting the money. I asked the owner, "Is your time of the month soon?"

Oh, there are so many more Chaun-isms...but I've been on the computer too long this morning.

1 comment:

Chellie said...

I'm really curious to know how the other person responded to such questions.
You're so funny! Love Ya