Lake Lanier There are not words to describe how much I love Little D. When she was only 8, I left the house for college and really didn't see her very much and then got married. HOWEVER, fate, God or answered prayers changed things and I ended up her 8th grade English teacher at FJH and we found a friendship and bond that could not be stronger. We understand each other like only sisters can. We laugh and cry and have so many differences but so many similarities too. Most of all we love each other and I can't even tell you how much I miss her. My girls adore her. Amelia and D have a bond that miles can't break.
The Georgia Aquarium
We did so many fun things: Amicalola Falls (and hiked forever), the Georgia Aquarium, birthday parties (including Mikayla's...more to come on that), hanging with the neighbors, golf car rides and walks around the neighborhood, the lake, Lollipop toystore, but most of all we hung out and TALKED and played and just had fun being together.
Amicalola FallsMy mom (AKA Nana Banana) is the world's greatest mom. First of all, she kept up with my totally rambuctious, never-quit, overly energetic, never nap, always want to play outside kids, but also, she hiked up the falls. Later when I was talking to some other grandparents in town for my friend Marla's little girl's birthday party, they were telling me about Amicalola and how they park at the top and enjoy the beauty...It was then that I realized that we parked at the BOTTOM and MY MOM trekked up the falls and did an awesome job. We also went to Moe's for Mikayla's birthday dinner and my mom was mistaken for me and D's sister...what a stud! I love my mom. I miss her more than words can describe. We laugh and talk and just had fun being with each other. I owe everything to her. She is my rock and I love her. I miss her more now that I just saw her.
So, I'm not trying to impress anyone with my blog. I'm keeping it real and just trying to be me, but I want the world to know that I love my family. After all, that is more important than money, looks, and everything else. Those of you that live close to your family, treasure it.
oh no, somehow my comment was deleted! haha looks fun! D is so cute! Glad everyone had a good time!
Looks like you guys had a great time! We need to see some pics of your mom! I am so glad they got to come out and spend time with you! I totally agree with you about family. That is the MOST important thing. I am so blessed to have everyone so close.
Oh great, you guys have fun and I'm home watching 4 cats! :)
I saw the photos and heard the reports. I'm so glad Mom and D got out there to party for a week. It looks like everyone had a great time and that's what its all about!
love, dad
That week was so memorable, Chaun. It was my most favorite vacation. I was able to spend alone time with you, Amelia and Kayla PLUS we did really fun stuff! I can't believe how much they are growing up...
I'll update my blog with highlights sometime this weekend!
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