Tuesday, November 13, 2007

A Christmas Idea

I took the Girl Scouts on a serious shopping spree yesterday to buy Christmas for a little girl. So, now I'm totally in the Christmas Spirit. I read this idea a few years ago and never did anything about it until now:
Gather all the children's Christmas books you can find in your house and wrap them up individually and put them in a basket. Each night in December let the kids take turns picking one and opening it to read that night. I don't know about you, but it seems like all of my books don't get read and this will be such a fun new tradition to start!


Jessi said...

What a fun idea! I bet my kids would love this.

Tauna said...

Great idea you have there! We've actually made this a tradition of our own too, but I've never wrapped them. I think I'm going to give it a try. thanks!

by the way.... I love your blog! it's such a great way to stay in touch.

WX Ences said...

I've heard that idea before and I agree it would be a really fun way to read some of the books that sit gathering dust on the bookshelf!

As for the paints, I just use the cheap acrylic paints at walmart! When I want the paint to be lighter, or thinner I should say, I add water to it. It makes it a nice watercolor paint and it washes out of clothes and off tables easy too! I very rarely paint with it when it's thick.

It is a lot of fun and I'm sure your girls would love to paint some of the pics out of their favorite books.

Oh, and I did buy paper that is specifically for acrylic paints. You can get a pad of 20 sheets for three or four bucks at walmart. It's a pretty inexpensive hobby and a lot of fun! Good luck!

Anonymous said...

I have never heard this idea before but I love it! I totally want to do this. I love you and miss you so much. We do need to talk soon...and I need to come visit. Maybe after the new year we should plan on it! xoxoxox

Chellie said...

I'm totally doing this! Thanks! What a great idea!