Friday, November 09, 2007

I am IT!

I have been tagged by one of my oldest friends (not in age, in friendship-age), Jayme.

Here are the rules which you must abide by if you are tagged:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.2. Share 7 facts about yourself: some random, some weird.3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post and list their names (linking to them).4. Let them know they've been tagged by leaving a comment at their blogs

Seven Random Facts about Me...

1. Growing up I hated cheese, tacos, nachos, milk, apple pie, anything pumpkin and salsa. Now these are some of my favorite foods in the world.

2. I get up and work out and shower and get completely ready before I wake anyone else up...every day. Some days I wonder why, when it's one of those days that I am just driving the kids to school and then coming home to clean, but I always do.

3. I find complete satisfaction in saving money. I shop for Christmas starting the day after Christmas and continue it all year long. I buy my nephews and nieces their birthday presents months before their birthday. I spend an hour each Sunday clipping coupons and planning the week's menu according to the sale items at Kroger.

4. I love camping and being outside more than anything in the world. It makes me feel happy and care-free.

5. I don't hang out with anyone that knew me pre-kids. Sometimes I wish they knew things about me before I was a mom, like how well I danced --even in college, that I did graduate from the U with a 3.9, that I had a career that I was proud of and did well at, and whatever. I don't know why it matters, but I feel like some of my identity was washed away with motherhood.

6. I love to meet new people. Today, for example, I called a mom off Mikayla's preschool list and am meeting her for lunch. I love meeting moms through my kids, ladies through scrapbooking, and neighbors. And I LOVE hanging out. Later today, five ladies and eight kids are coming over for a HAIR party. (Nan, too bad you and Sherrie aren't here.)

7. I have an addiction to multi-tasking. I wish I could do one thing at a time, but I can't. I drive and talk on the phone, watch t.v. and catch up on my planner, blog and dress Polly Dolls, etc.

Now I am tagging:

1: Chellie
2. Candace
3. Audri
4. Jessi
5. D
6. Dave Riddle
7. Ryker


Chellie said...

That is so funny about all those foods. I can think of many things I REFUSED to eat, but now could eat them every day. Strange!

Funny you mention your mommy identity. It seems we lose ourselves when we become a mom. I'm known as Ryker's mom or Jaxon's mom or Scarlet's mom. I'm not known for Chel and my accomplishments.

You're a great multi-tasker. I hated (said in a nice way of course) you back in high school because you would study and write papers while talking on the phone and watching TV and you'd always get A's and pass EVERY test. Whaaaa? What's with that?

Nan said...

Oooh, I want to got to a Hair spray party! I really miss our get togethers.

Talk about losing your identity, I can't remember mine. I marvel at all the things you remember b/c my mind is gone. But I'm sure I had a life before kids & I hope to find time to remember it some day.

Multi-tasking is something we have in common but also as you age you just think you are multi-tasking but are really just completely ignoring one thing to do another.

robin said...

Chaun I still think of you as the dancer who had all the cool clothes! Loved to raid your closet before any big dance. Now I see pictures of your girls (they are both gorgeous) and wish you lived closer so we could totally hang. Haven't seen you in forever! Love that I get to read your blog.
p.s. I love going to school and hearing "hi Dillon's mom" I'm sure they think I'm way cooler than I am.

MiandMiksmom said...

Nan and Robin, will you please start blogs???????? I miss you guys so much! It would be fun to catch up.

Anonymous said...

I don't recall you not liking tacos?

or cheese?

MiandMiksmom said...

Dad, I HATED tacos! I can't believe you don't remember. Also, I really didn't like cheese, and even now, I only like Mild Cheddar...BUT, I LOVE Mild Cheddar (too much).

Jessi said...

You amaze me that you go work out every day... and in the wee hours of the morning at that! It shows though so it's definitely working for you!