Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Check 'em Out

I'm not one to wander around in bloggy world. I don't check people's blogs that I don't know...really for no other reason than I don't have the time. If you check my sidebar, they are all friends, sisters or cousins, and that's who I have time to keep up with! Some of the friends are from Utah and have moved away like me, some are still in Utah and have been friends forever, and some of the friends are from Georgia. I love all of them and check their blogs at least weekly. Anyway, there are two that I want all y'all to check out:

Tauna: My cousin's wife; (Please read her story about McKay and then check out the video that she has linked from another family.) She is inspiring and beautiful and one of the sweetest, happiest people I've ever met.

Candice: I met Candice 12 years ago (I can't believe it has been that long!) Dave and I had just been married and had moved into married student housing at the U. Brittany, Candice and I all traded around visiting teaching when we were there and became friends. Then we bought a house and moved away to Woods Cross (where Audri is) and a year later Candice bought a house TWO houses down from ours! She has an amazing story. You would never know the trials that she endured as a child. She has built a successful business, has amazing kids and an awesome husband. She is talented, artsy, outdoorsy and just all-around fantastic. Anyway, start reading her recently published story. Start with #1.

I don't know how to link their blogs, so you'll have to click on my side-bar.


WX Ences said...

So I checked out your cousins blog...wow. I am always amazed at mothers who are able to care for children with special circumstances. It is so hard to be a parent of happy, healthy children some days....at least it is for me!

I am in awe of parents who are able to just feel lucky for whatever time they have, even if it's just a few minutes or days. They aren't mad or angry, just grateful for the blessings.

I love Candice's blog...I'm grateful she is so willing to share herself with all of us.

Thanks for sharing!

Tauna said...

you are so sweet. I consider myself famous now that I'm on your blog too! what a compliment! and about your comment... I was thinking about when you came up and visited just after McKay was born, That was so sweet of you and steph. if I remember right, I still had not even seen McKay yet. I know that was a rough time for you and Dave. John and I felt so bad for you. I've never had a mis-carriage so I have no clue what that's like, but I too, thought that you were so strong. you were an example to us! love ya!