Saturday, January 05, 2008

Divas and other Ramblings...

I love that my kids are out of school! We have had way too much fun! We made a list of everything the girls wanted to do over the break, and we have done almost all of them. These are pictures at "Catch Air" which was item number seven on our list of things to do!
One day during the break a mom took my kids ALL day long...I'm talking from 10-5. I didn't even know what to do with myself. It was a much needed break. But speaking of that, should I feel bad saying that? Is it bad to need a BREAK from your kids?

I love to hang out with them, but they do wear me out a little bit. After I haven't seen them for a little bit, I miss them and I'm so excited to see them and much more patient with them. What do you think about that?
And on an end-note... Here are some recently overheard comments from my divas:
Amelia: “I am not living there!!!!” Me: “What????” Amelia: “When I’m in college I will not live away from my family!!!”

Mikayla: “Mom, I really love markers, but I’m not going to marry them.”
Mikayla: (pointing to her ribs) “Mom, what is this bump?” Me: “Those are your ribs.” Mikayla: (laughing) “THOSE ARE NOT YOUR RIBS; YOU EAT RIBS!!!!”
Happy New Year! Oh, and if anyone cares, the canceled GE party (yes, the big fancy one that I look foward to all year long and bought my outfit to wear in October so I was ready for it but then wore it twice to other parties once it was canceled) is now back on...tonight. I'm not sure how you have a Christmas party on January 5, but if it saves GE money to have a holiday party the month after the fact, then they will do it. So a big thank you to Miki and her designer closet that goes on and on and on and to her very generous willingness to loan dresses to her poor, fashionless friend. I'll let you know how it goes!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The "sun glasses" pic is especially cute.

No, you shouldn't feel bad about getting a break from the kids...Mom and I were just commenting on how we need a break from Oz, Reni and Softster!
We may go to Layton.

I don't recall getting invited to the GE party...was that an oversight?