Wednesday, January 09, 2008


I was trying to do something exciting with my blog, and ended up making a mess of things...deleting posts, erasing names off my side bar, so we're all stuck with the pink.

Can someone tell me how to do a cute header or whatever they're called???? I could live with the pink if I had a cute header. Can you?


The Roe Family said...

i did the same thing once. now i just give my friend my username and password and she does everything for me. sorry :(

Kate said...

I have no idea. I just added a picture for my heading b/c I can't figure out how to do it. I'm so glad we are "connected". I scanned your "profile" and didn't realize how much we are tastes (love def lepard!), movies, reading books, playing cards....girl, are we sisters????
love ya

Jessi said...

I can help you with a header and blogger format. :) Just let me know when you want to come over and put it together!

MiandMiksmom said...

Wow! Thanks Jessi! I will call you. Mostly I just want to hang out, but it would be fun to update my blog too!

And Kate, yours is super cute. That's actually what I tried to do when it deleted everything.

Roe Fam, I'm glad I'm not alone!

Chellie said...

Chaun, I can help you... call me and I can do it for you! I'm cool like that.