Sunday, January 06, 2008

Dealing With It

When Amelia was young, I dressed her every day. She wore little dresses with matching accessories. Later, I would spend hours putting little ponytails in her hair, french braiding and curling her hair. But something happened...about two years ago Amelia became a "fashion girl" and everything had to be "total fashion." In preschool it meant her wearing the same terribly mis-matched outfit for four days in a row (or sometimes more) to the point that her teachers called it her "uniform."
Amelia was finally big enough to fit into Limited Too clothes, so I totally splurged on a ridiculously expensive outfit to celebrate her increase in size. The problem is, she won't wear the outfit together. The shirt that you see in these photos was the shirt that looked so cute with the jeans, headband and matching little brown suede jacket. However, she now pairs the paisley shirt with camo pants and a striped scarf. The colors aren't even close to matching, not to mention the patterns.
I like to say she gets her fashion sense from Aunt D. But as a mom, I've just realized that I have to make her feel as fabulous as she does in those outfits. So I swallow my pride and don't worry that I might have the worst dressed kindergartner in the school. I see the other little girls wearing dresses and matching outfits and perfect hair, and Amelia just doesn't care. Now, don't get me wrong, she totally cares what she looks like. She spends fifteen minutes laying out her outfit and picking her jewelry and shoes, but you will never see the same outfit on another kid. She thinks she's "the most fashion" of all, so I just have to agree.
When does this stage end?


Jessi said...

I love that she is confident enough to have her own sense of style. Who knows, she may be a trend-setter. Pretty soon everyone will be wanting the "Amelia look."

robin said...

She is very fashion. I think the outfit looks fabulous. Does it come in my size?

Chellie said...

hmmmm... well, looking at Aunt D... I don't think it ever ends.

WX Ences said...

I think it is fabulous she is confident enough to know what she likes and not be afraid of what people will say. That is amazing. Hopefully she won't ever loose that.

I loved the pictures of your girls with Santa Claus - very adorable! I can't believe how tall Amelia is getting. How time flies!

I was catching up on all of your blogging, and I think by far my favorite blog was about Mikayla's boots!! All those rocks and the hair brush in them!!!! I laughed out loud because that is totally something that would happen here. By the way, I wouldn't have checked in them either!

Tauna said...

She is such a cutie! so pretty. It's hard being a mother and just letting them be who they are isn't it! Your such a fun and awesome mother!! Hannah is at that stage where I still have a lot to say about what she wears and how she wears her hair. give it a few years and I'll be asking for tips!

Nan said...

I glanced at my slideshow yesterday on my computer and thought Alicia was Amelia. They have a look about them.

I wish my girls would think outside the box. Alicia would like to but her sister is always telling her what she should wear. It think it's great Amelia is so creative!

calibosmom said...

Congratulations to "letting go" on something that doesn't really matter. Its great that she can be herself and you support her. When it comes to the really important things, she'll look to you for direction and know you'll be there for her. Hey, it may not match but its modest!

Kate said...

Hey girl,
so cute! Add me to your friends list and I want to add you to mine if that's okay. I found your blog on Jessi's sight!

Kate said...

oops...I meant "site" not "sight".

M said...

You watch, she will grow up to be a trend-setter. We'll see her on Project Runway, season 25.

Anonymous said...

You ROCK! Those little girls with the matching hair bows and "outfits" won't amount to anything in life. It's our strong willed - I will do it my way no matter what girls that will run this country some day. Danielle used to wear an ugly shirt under her cute shirt and when she got to school she would take the one I picked off and wear the one she wanted. She always pulled her hair out of whatever beautiful design I had it in. Straggly was just her thing - still is and she's almost 10!!!