Thursday, January 18, 2007

I've Thought to Myself, "I'm Living My Dream"

I'm continuing with Alli's list of 150 things. The next in line is: I've thought to myself I'm living my dream.

Am I living my dream? Sometimes the chaos is overwhelming. I woke up an hour-and-a half earlier than when I need to wake the girls only to hear the pitter patter of four feet 10 minutes into my workout. I had to brave the weather to start my icy car that I have to park outside because I was the one who wanted the golf car that now takes my spot in the garage. I had to wait in carpool line to drop off my five-year-old in the ice. Then, I had to drag my three-year-old to my OB/GYN appoinment. As I was spread-eagle in all my glory, she was tossing a balloon back and forth to the doctor. I braved an ice storm to retrieve a pink cowboy boot that had fallen off a foot while running to car. I wrestled a chicken nugget out of my child's hand after she tried to eat it off the Burger King floor. I sat in carpool line again that barely inched forward because of the weather. At home, I sat and played restaurant in the playroom on a chair that fit half my rear and watched my five-year-old try to do a Benihana performance with a play-knife, rolling pin and a hamburger bun...and pretend to enjoy it. I sat on the phone with the Dish Network lady for an hour trying to figure out why the satellite doesn't work upstairs while putting on my three-year-old's bathing suit one-handed that she insists on wearing, even in 40 degree weather and while yelling at my 5 yr. old to not wipe her Cheetos hands on the couch, but still wanting to be loving because I missed her all morning. I refereed about six dozen fights today because the girls are stuck indoors. I made three dozen cookies with the girls because Dave is going to Amelia's class tomorrow to talk about Argentina and wants the kids to learn how to say "cookie" in Spanish. I let the girls help, so I cleaned up half the batter off the table, and their hands and faces and prepared dinner at the same time, which is why the first batch burned competely. I have six loads of laundry sitting up on my bed, but I'm sitting here blogging even though I'll have to fold them so we can sleep.

BUT, when all is said and done, yep, I'm livin' my dream. I am married to the man of my dreams. I'm married to the one who would rather hang out with his family, even if that means spending three hours on his day off at my eye doctor appointment, just so we could all be together. He chooses us over football, friends or even a golf game. He works hard so I don't have to, but supports me when I choose to work. He loves me just the way I am.

I have two healthy, spunky girls that keep me laughing and keep me young. I have a dream job where I get to play with 12 of the cutest three-year-olds you've ever seen and be there with my kids. I have an okay tennis job that pays a nice amount of money that provides me with extras--like going to Utah to see the fam. I have a house that is perfect for my family. It is comfortable and lived in and everyone is always welcome. I have neighbors (adults and kids) that love to come and hang out. I have friends I can count on. I have family I love.

I have my health. I've had a little scare lately and maybe it was to remind me that I am in fact living my dream. It's hard sometimes, and the days are long sometimes, and the work never ends and the house is never spotless, and the laundry is never all done, and the kids aren't always happy, but overall, I'm happy. I had a lot of dreams as a kid, this was one of them: happiness at home. And I think I've achieved it, even though I have to stop and realize it sometimes.


Anonymous said...

You are really cool.

Chellie said...

Anonymous is right... you are cool. And as my blog states, "happiness is everything." I am glad you are happy. I never thought it was possible for me to live my dream until Damien came into my life. Now it's more than I could ever dream... It's such a nice feeling when the hectic and chaotic day is done and we are still truly happy, truly blessed and living our dreams.

Well done sistah!

Jessi said...

My sister and I had this same discussion a few months ago!! It is a wonderful feeling to truly be living your dreams.

Anonymous said...

Remember the dust and laundry will keep, but little angels grow-up really fast. Just look at Aunt D.

MiandMiksmom said...

Who are all of my anonymous friends?

Anonymous said...

Sorry, it's me Nana Cindia or Mom!

Anonymous said...

That's why we have children when were young.....later on, it's over!!!:)

Anonymous said...

I love this post. I laughed - I cried. You are livin' the dream. I'm right there with you..