Friday, January 26, 2007

Loaded Questions

This is a new one from Jessi. Enjoy!

Loaded Questions

Favorite kind of cereal: Oatmeal --fruit and cream
What animal or insect disgusts you the most? grasshoppers, that's just the first that came to mind
What do you need more of right now? time
What is the hardest thing for you to do? right now??? the spin class I just went to
Deodorant brand: Degree
How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? If I wash my hair, 40 minutes, if I don't -20 minutes
What is your most prized object? my scrapbooks
What are you thankful you're not doing now? listening to kids (can I say that?)
If you talked in your sleep, what would you say? how much longer can I sleep before the alarm goes off??????
What is your favorite drink? Diet Coke
Favorite way to eat potatoes? McDonald's french fries
If you could be a character in any novel, who would you be? Ramona Quimby....just kidding, I don't know...all of their lives seem so complex...that's what makes it a novel I guess.
Favorite ice cream toppings: Snickers, Butterfinger
Where do you want to spend the rest of your life? with my family
What do you bring most to a friendship? loyalty
On a scale of 1-10, how hip are you? 7.5
What kind of music makes you want to get up and sing? sing? Um, 80's hair bands
What are you an expert in? teaching
What have you tried and simply were not good at? singing, sewing, painting
Favorite movie line? "Can I have some 'tots?" :)
What is your "theme song"? Chariots of Fire
What is your most annoying habit? biting my nails
If fat, calories, etc. weren't an issue, what food would you feast on? ice cream
How much can you bench press? 105
What fictional character would you like to meet? I don't know
What is the ultimate vacation? a cruise, with Dave
What is the best thing about your job? my kids
What is the worst thing about your job? the need to ALWAYS have energy and be patient
Whose ideas totally conflict with yours? I don't know
What cosmetic surgery would you like? None, not worth it!
What is the last movie that made your eyes tear up? I don't know but the Publix commercial where the baker makes the wedding cake to match the bride's veil made me cry, weird, I know.
What super-power would you like? be able to stop time
What would you change about your high school years? worrying so much about friends
What would you change about your appearance? my thighs
Would you rather be smart, rich, or beautiful? rich (Jessi, I love your answer)
If you named your home, what would you name it? Our Haven
What room do you want to add to your home? a sun room with a pool table
What advice would you give to the President? pray
What character attribute do you admire most? integrity, absolutely
Where do you usually buy your clothes? Old Navy
What song describes your present relationship? I Will Always Love You
What is the nicest thing you have ever bought somebody? A mountain bike for Dave
How would you spend $1000? Disney World
What do you want to change about your life? the constant feeling that I have things that need to be done
Who is your best friend? Dave
What would you like to accomplish this year? Be better than I was last year!
What book has had the greatest impact on your life? The Book of Mormon
What do you do everyday? love
What food do you refuse to eat? creamed corn
What one word would you use to describe your current relationship? eternal
What is the best purchase you have made? golf car
What one word describes your life? happy


Jessi said...

105 lbs?!!!! No wonder you've got a rockin' body!

Chellie said...

I wonder how us sisters all got so strong!!!
These are fun to read. So strange how much I don't know about you in the last couple posts you've done.

Chellie said...

oh yeah, and I always have that "constant feeling things need to be done...." too! I wish it would go away!

Anonymous said...

This was really fun to read! I'm going to fill it out later today.

Ok- Degree makes me smell like a farm animal. Eric made me stop wearing it two years ago.

I feel better knowing that you cry during commercials too. If I'm in the right mood (PMS), then everything makes me cry.

Well... call me sometime! I know you get busy, but I want to talk to you.