And guess what?
I love it!
It is seriously so much fun teaching these little girls. The age difference is crazy (3-7 in one class) but no one seems to mind. We do ballet for about 15 minutes and then spend 45 minutes doing the chicken dance, twirling like princesses, dancing with kleenex to snowflake songs and doing "'cross the floors to Hannah Montana."
Tonight Mikayla said to me, "Mom, your ballet is WAY BETTER than that other ballet." I'm not sure about that, but we have a lot more fun and I feel like I'm back in my element. I've missed dancing. I find myself pirouetting (or trying to) while stirring, kicking while doing dishes and getting on itunes every hour to upload some fun song that I had just thought of. It's great! It's good exercise; it's extra money, and my kids aren't sitting for two hours a week for $200 a month in a place that they don't love.
Look how beautiful you look. My kids would love a class like that. I think so many times, we miss the mark when teaching kids. They want things to be fun, and that sounds like what you are doing. Good for you!!!
I've been wondering how that was going. What a fun thing to do! I could sign my kids up with you in a heartbeat!!!
And thank you SO much for the nice baby gifts! You're a gem. And I got the shoes delivered today. Good idea saving some money that way!!
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