Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Health and Shared Bedrooms...

Today I am grateful for good health. The girls were able to honor someone who has survived Breast Cancer and they were very excited to put Grandma's name up in the hallway of their school. They also got to wear jeans that day (I'm not sure what the connection was...something about Lee Denim Day for Cancer, but they were very happy not to wear their uniforms!)
We also took a moment to reflect on our dear little friend Kristen who still has chemo every few months but is doing GREAT!!!

Now for those bedrooms that we so painstakingly decorated and chose paint colors and bedspreads and lasted until last week. Now they sleep together every night. may notice the trundles under each of their beds...does one of them sleep on it each night next to the sister???? NO! They sleep together in the same twin bed. It warms my heart though, so I can't get mad.


Jenn said...

Cute bedrooms and what a cool thing to do at school. I bet they felt so honored to honor their grandma. People that fight breast cancer need to be honored.

Jessi said...

Your girls are even cuter than their bedrooms! (And that's saying something!!)

Nan said...

Their rooms are so cute. I think you have a couple of Emily and Alicia's. My girls slept together until 2 years ago and they were 11 & 9. Plus the colors of their rooms are exactly what my girls would have chosen. Blue for Alicia and Pink for Emily.

Is the Grandma your mom? So sad for your little friend. It great how you honor them.
How do you like uniforms? Never had them but it seems they would be great!

Alli said...

Those bedrooms are adorable. Brit and I slept in the same twin bed for a long time too. It drove my parents crazy cause we would whisper and giggle instead of going to sleep, but they never made us sleep in our own beds. Fun memories! :D

MiandMiksmom said...

Nan, the Grandma is Dave's mom. She had cancer about ten years ago, but she's cancer free now! Mikayla's friend is cancer-free but still has chemo for a year or two.

Also, I have mixed feelings on the uniforms...I'll have to elaborate on that in a post some day...