Friday, October 10, 2008


I was tagged by Jenn D., so here I go (and Jessi, I'm doing your next!):

Six Quirky Things About Me:

1. I like piles. There can be clutter as long as the clutter is in piles and I know what each pile is.

2. I can drink Diet Coke all day long and have to try hard to only have four a day. I love to drink it in bed too.

3. I hate to be patted. I love to be rubbed and hugged, but I hate to be patted.

4. I absolutely hate when people "clink" silverware on their teeth when they eat. It will drive me so crazy that I can't even concentrate on anything else.

5. I hate silence, but I like things quiet. When I'm home during the day I almost always have Fox News on just for the noise.

6. I have to delete things immediately...if I've read an email and answered it, it is deleted. If I have listened to the message on the machine, I delete it.

I tag Robin, Nan, Jamie, Christy, Jessi, Kate, and everyone else who wants to play!


Jenn said...

Your is way cuter than mine. I just made people nervous when I come to their house, or they call me on the phone. Stupid me. I aam glad you played along. It is fun to hear people's quirks!!!

Clanturner said...

I have been a little out of the blogging world lately, but I will get right on those tags.